
Country : Algeria
Capital : Alger
Official languages : Arab, Berber
City of intervention : Oran
Name of the partner hospital : Etablissement Hospitalo-Universitaire (EHU) of Oran
Cooperation field : maxillofacial surgery
The partnership
This agreement follows the long-standing commitment of the CHU’s maxillofacial surgery team to work in partnership with the “Un sourire en face” association. The agreement with EHU-Oran aims at training medical (maxillofacial surgeons, neurosurgeons, anaesthetists and paediatric intensive care teams) and paramedical (nurses, operating room nurses) staff to take care of craniosynostosis and rare craniofacial malformations.
This partnership is supported by the DGOS and the “Un sourire en face” association.
Actions undertaken
- An exploratory mission at the EHU of Oran in 2024
- The signing of the cooperation agreement in 2024
- Welcoming practitioners for observation traineeships within units of the CHRU
- Physicians: maxillofacial surgery, paediatric intensive care and paediatric surgery
- Junior doctors in medicine: maxillofacial surgery
Care of children from the EHU by the CHRU’s teams in collaboration with the ‘Un Sourire en Face‘ association

Country : Benin
Capital : Porto-Novo
Official languages : French
City of intervention : Cotonou
Name of the partner hospital : Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Conou
Cooperation field : Haematology
The partnership
For many years, the haematology-haemostasis unit of the CHRU has established a partnership with the haematology unit of the CHU of Cotonou in Benin. A diagnosis and care centre for haemophilia has been implemented. The cooperation agreement aims at strengthening ties between the two establishments. It includes on-site missions at CHU of Cotonou and internships at CHU of Tours.
This partnership has the support of the AFATH (Alliance franco-africaine pour le traitement de l’hémophilie) and more recently, has a pairing with the WFH (World Federation of Haemophilia).
Actions undertaken
- Cooperation agreement in the process
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Country : Democratic Republic of the Congo
Capital : Kinshasa
Official languages : French
City of intervention : Kinshasa
Name of the partner hospital : Hôpital Pédiatrique de Kalembelembe (HPKL)
Cooperation field : Haematology, Onco-haematology, Oncology, Nephrology, Endocrinology
The partnership
This partnership aims at improving health professionals’ skills in the fields of paediatric haematology, onco-haematology, oncology, nephrology and endocrinology. This support includes on-site missions at HPKL and internships in CHU of Tours.
Actions undertaken
- Signing of the cooperation agreement in 2024
Hospital, academic and research cooperation with the University of Costa Rica

Country : Costa Rica
Capital : San Jose
Official languages : Spanish
City of intervention : San Jose
Name of the partner hospital : Universidad de Costa Rica
Cooperation field : Medicine students training
The partnership
This academic cooperation aims to strengthen the bonds between the two partners in the fields of training and research by enabling student and professional exchanges. Internships can be done within the CHRU’s units.
Actions undertaken
- Renewal of the 2018 cooperation agreement in 2024
Hospital cooperation with the CAMP of Conakry (Guinea)

Country : Guinea
Capital : Conakry
Official languages : French
City of intervention : Conakry
Name of the partner hospital : Centre d’Assistance Médicale à la Procréation (CAMP) of Conakry
Cooperation field : Medically-assisted procreation
The partnership
This partnership aims at reinforcing the CAMP by sending health professionals from the CHU to carry out on-site and remote training missions, as well as updating the medical facilities by providing second-hand equipment.
Actions undertaken
- The signing of the cooperation agreement in 2024
- Donation of a microscope with a micromanipulation arm and a laminar flow hood

Country : Morocco
Capital : Rabat
Official languages : Arab, Tamazigh
City of intervention : Rabat
Name of the partner hospital : CHU of Ibn Sina
Cooperation field : Digestive surgery
The partnership
This cooperation aims at spreading and sharing knowledge in the field of digestive and oncological surgery and supporting the CHUIS in its development of new skills to meet its goals of care and research activities on digestive surgery. The main focus of this cooperation involves peritoneal carcinomatosis surgery and colorectal surgery.
Actions undertaken
- Signing of the cooperation agreement in 2024
- Joint research works on the care of recto-urethral fistulas and total pelvic exenterations

Country : Romania
Capital : Bucharest
Official languages : Romanian
City of intervention : Cluj-Napoca
Name of the partner hospital : Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology of Cluj-Napoca
Cooperation field : Liver transplantation
This cooperation aims to develop the skills of the IRGH’s teams in liver transplantation. This support includes on-site missions at IRGH and internships in CHU of Tours.
Actions undertaken- Signing of the cooperation agreement in 2024

Country : Senegal
Capital : Dakar
Official languages : French
City of intervention : Dakar
Name of the partner hospital : Hôpital Général Idrissa Pouye (HOGIP) de Grand Yoff
Cooperation field : multidisciplinary
The partnership
Since 2018, Tours University Hospital has been committed to a partnership with HOGIP in Dakar.
This partnership aims to support the development of HOGIP’s activities and strengthen its team’s skills. Initially focused on interventional cardiology, the partnership progressed into more diversified activities such as biomedical maintenance, the hospital’s digitalisation, or financial and administrative management. The cooperation encompasses a broad range of medical and technical specialities so that HOGIP can become autonomous in various domains.
This partnership is supported by the DGOS, Horizons Sahel, the Centre-Val-de-Loire Region, and Centraider.
Actions undertaken
- Renewal of the cooperation agreement (2023-2028)
- Annual meetings between Tours University Hospital and HOGIP
- Press conference with the collaborators (RCVL, Centraider, Horizons Sahel)
- Annual mentoring missions at HOGIP in interventional cardiology
- Welcoming practitioners for observation traineeships:
- A group of practitioners within the units involved in kidney transplantation (urology unit, nephrology unit, laboratories…)
- Physicians/Pharmacists: adult anaesthesia, paediatric anaesthesia, sterilisation, laboratory, occupational health service
- Paramedical staff: nurse (neonatology and neonatal intensive care), psychologist (Maison des Femmes)
- Administrative and technical staff (management accountant, computer engineer)

Country : Senegal
Capital : Dakar
Official languages : French
City of intervention : Dakar
Name of the partner hospital : Hôpital Général Idrissa Pouye (HOGIP) de Grand Yoff
Cooperation field : Nursing and midwifery
The partnership
A three-party cooperation involving the CHRU, the CHRU’s schools and HOGIP was signed in 2024. The goal is to promote the development of the nursing and midwifery students’ skills by implementing practical internships within HOGIP. The agreement includes complementary training actions within the CHRU’s schools for individuals working at HOGIP.
This partnership has the support of the DGOS
Actions undertaken
- The signing of the 2024-2028 three-party cooperation agreement
- A 10-week internship at HOGIP for 4 nursing students of Tours’ IFSI